Bartering is an exchange of goods without any cash involved. It is how people get what they want or need for things they already have but don’t use much or have abundance of. This is how our ancestors used to trade when money was not invented yet. Online bartering is doing it online .
Because of the pandemic, this old practice is alive again. I was invited to a barter group in Facebook by I don’t know who anymore but I have been browsing the page during nightime and find things I want for things I have. It is addicting.
Just today, I have made a successful closed barter deal.i have traded baby stuff I have, not really from when my child was still a baby but giveaways from events I’ve attended in the past. I don’t have use for these things but plan to give it away but the things got shoved deep into my giveaway pile that I already forgotten them until I saw someone wanting, needing baby stuff in exchange for her Popcorn Machine !
Here’s her post: (I hid her name for privacy)
I thought the machine was cool, it is something I wouldn’t buy on a normal situation. But these times are extremely different and why not exchange my unused free stuff I have for something I want.
And so I made an offer. Which baby products baby bottle and a onesies andIand breastgbreast pumpfpump an event .
This is what I posted:
She showed interest and we exchanged comments on her group post until we have come to agreement for the trade.
There is a strict group rule that you can only private message when the final trade is agreed upon . So , when we had a deal she messaged me and ask for our meet up.
I asked if we can just do grab express and lalamove because I still don’t want to go out. She agreed. She is from Tondo , Manila I am from Mandaluyong so the Grab and Lalamove is easy .
We agreed that the receiver will pay for the shipping of their item.
And so the next day, which is today, I booked both the Grab and the Lalamove car for the pick up and delivery. Our transaction went smoothly. Our only cash out was the delivery/shipping which is a real bargain on our end.
And finally got my hands with the barter I got !
If you are in Metro Manila or nearby provinces of NCR, and want to barter your extra things or stuff you don’t want to use anymore, online bartering is for you. You may join the Manila Barter Community (click) there is provincial versions of this group as well and they are all having a great time bartering.
This is a great way to get things without money, since money is kinda scarce or hard to earn during these trying times.
Goodluck with your bartering journey ! Let me know when you had a successful one!
EDIT: As of this post I have done 6 other successful barter,
- personal ref with bed sheets with pillow case sets and blankets in exchange for my computer desk ,
- I got baking items like cookie cutter, muffin pans and cream puff designer thingy in exchange for my mirror and curtain rod
- a big cat bag (with other bags inside but I donated to fire victims) in exchange with three lipsticks
- My 20 year old coffee maker in exchange with 2 megabox
- Two shoe size megaboxes in exchange to my smalldesk lamp and humidifier
- JVC Radio casette tape recorder and player with CD and mp3 player for 25kilos of rice !
Some people don’t get the concept of barer, it’s not the same amount as you exchange/ trade it’s more of what will be more useful to you. If you are the more generous one then you can give more than what you receive. What matter most is both parties were happy with what they got.
Stay gorgeous everyone!