Fab Review: Confessions Of A Shopaholic

Another movie adaptation from one of the best selling novels of all time was made by Columbia Pictures, Confessions of a Shopaholic and I was there to watch its premiere here in the Philippines last Monday courtesy of Nuffnang and the Ayala Malls Greenbelt in Makati. Synopsis: Confessions of a Shopaholic is a movie about […]

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Events With Fellow Shopaholics and Spaddicts!

The purse, keychain, shopaholic post it and premiere ticket’s are courtesy of Nuffnang and the Confessions of A Shopaholic book is courtesy of ETC! Frances, Me, Lace and Lizz some of the 20 shopaholics present. Frances won the Gucci from Nuffnang. While I won the book Confessions of a Shopaholic from ETC! Channel! Watch me […]

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Fab Info: Men Are Shopaholics Too

Nuffnang Philippines launched a contest to invite all shopaholics to join.  I was expecting that only female members would join and so having found male members joined surprised me. The prize for the contest were all female stuff, girly bag, girly blings and a movie invite to the premiere of Confessions of a Shopaholic but […]

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Fab Info: Replica Or Fake

I found an awesome Adidas Philippine jacket online and I immediately contacted the seller.  I was surprised by the selection the seller gave me would I want the original or the replica?  I was shocked. If you want to buy good imitation settle for the replica.  I don’t feel comfortable about it though. Replica is […]

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Shopping: Malls vs Bazaars

A bazaar is used to refer to several different types of marketplaces, depending upon their location. The word originated in the Middle East referring to a central open market which a large number of goods can be found for sale. While in the West the term is used in reference of a flea market or […]

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This is colorful:So is this one:I love how my daughter look so pretty with her Snow White costume! She indeed gave justice to this character! This is my entry for the post Halloween costume contest back at An Island Life. But, who says an all sexy black party can’t be this colorful (Manic Monday theme […]

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What To Do With Old Underwear

For Tackle it Tuesday and Talk About it Tuesdays meme (TIT for TAT) I tackled my underwear drawer, as I was tackling my dresser earlier right before my eyes I saw three drawers full of undergarments. I started sorting them out to the ones I use frequently (my favorites) and organize them to those I […]

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