Imagine, I just posted about her pregnancy the other day, little did I know her more crazier purring was labor pains! How would I determine when she can’t catch the house lizards she purrs like crazy, when she is hot and bothered she purrs like crazy, when she is hungry she purrs like crazy.
My cat is crazy (like her master) but I love her so much. She is so adorable and very obedient, when she was being flirty I told her when she conceives I want four kittens. Yay! More cats again! I’m so happy!
Wow! My post are also in here: All Voices and my two post are in the top 20 listed.
Hi Theresa thanks for the concern we take care of our cats and look forward for more.
I know pause been to the place in QC and wrote an article about it on a magazine.
Are you going to get her spayed now? It is very hard on a young kitten to become a mother, and with the amount of unwanted animals, it would be kind to have her spayed. Check with your veterinarian as to the safest time.
I do cat rescue, and personally have ten cats. Plus we support some more from PAWS (animal rescue) and help feed the homeless.
Your little kittens are beautiful and when they are a bit older, they too, need to be altered. I understand that it might be a hard decision, but in reality, it is healthier and better for them in the long run.
Please tell her congratulations.
“Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!”