Special Day/Baptism – Mommy Moments

My daughter was baptized at St. Peter Parish at Commonwealth Quezon City.  The photo was arranged in reverse order.  Top pic was me holding here while priest was doing the ceremony of pouring water over hear forehead.  The photographer was very genius to go to that angle.  Well he though she would stay put but probably the holy water was too cold for her that she jerked over grasping my blouse.

This was Tasha and her grandma before we go to the church for her baptism!  Yup Christmas tree is up because we did her baptism right after Christmas and her first birthday!

mommy moments

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  1. same here, nagulat baby ko pgkabuhos ng water wink*

    i added as well when i gave birth to him which i considered really special day for us…

  2. My kids did the same ,, nagulat siguro or maybe the water is cold…

    Yupp,,, it is one of the special day for kids……

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