You’re The Best Pinoy Athlete For Me

Manny "Pacman" PacquiaoManny “Pacman” Pacquiao, the World’s Best Pound-For-Pound Fighter is no doubt the Best Pinoy Athlete for me.

His last fight with Ricky Hatton sealed the deal. Imagine he knocked him down three times during that fight and was able to finish the match in two rounds! He didn’t even break a sweat in that fight.

Aside from being the best fighter I have ever seen in my lifetime, I love the fact that he was able to influence peace and unity among the Filipino people. Imagine having to unite political opponents and able to give the country zero crime during his bouts.

I also love the fact that he was the only Filipino to make it in the Time Magazines World’s Most Influential People of the Year (2009) and make it to the Forbes Celebrity 100 list for 2009 joining the ranks of Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, fellow athlete Tiger Woods, U.S. President Barack Obama and media maven Oprah Winfrey!

I also love that fact that he is God-fearing and that he shows great importance and love for his mother.

So yeah I agree to what stated in their story: Manny still No. 1 despite ‘Money’s return’. I think money is just the icing on his cake.

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1 Comment

  1. I’m also a big Manny Pacquiao fan and have seen all his fights even the one where he was knocked out by a fellow Pinoy. I hope he wins again in his fight with Juan Manuel Marquez.

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