Arg! It’s Christmas time again and all these kid carolers are making noise everywhere. Yes! It’s pure noise, they are banging their makeshift drums made of milk cans and plastics like crazy, shaking their improvised maracas like they want to intentionally break your eardrums and they sing without heart not even knowing the lyrics to a song they sing. Some won’t even sing at all they would just shout out loud and knock on your gates like you owe them a dime!
Grrr! What happened to the true spirit of Christmas caroling. These kids don’t know it anymore. All they think its about getting your neighbors money by making noise. Well its not. I would rather be the Grinch than tolerate this inconsiderate and disrespectful acts of kids these days. Just a couple seconds ago some teenagers got the taste of the Grinch, imagine teenagers not even little kids, were just screaming “Namamasko po!” and banging our gates like we owe them a cent.
What’s worst is the same kids come night after night singing the same old song that they can barley sing right.
They are taking away the Christmas spirit in me. Hah! I miss my dad who sits by our gate and tell those kids to bug off if they won’t sing right. And when he mean was to sing without their noise makers.