I’m sure most of you have heard about Julia Roberts upcoming movie ‘Eat Pray Love’, I’ve seen the trailer and read the teaser info and if I was given a chance I would do the same as her. Take a year sabatical from whatever I am doing now, step out of my comfort zone and risk everything to change my life. But of course that’s wishful thinking.
I haven’t read the book by Elizabeth Gilbert because I’m not a book person, the last book I read and finished was two years ago and that would be R.A. Salvator’s Homeland, one of the Legend of Drizzt Book. The number of children’s book I’ve read for my daughter doesn’t count, I think.
Anyway, who doesn’t want explore the world and have exotic travels in Asia and experience the pleasure of dining and shopping in Europe, just be yourself and no worries at all. I’ve always been fascinated in England, Paris, Italy and Spain, the architecture and arts is what amazes me the most and wish to see that place someday.
I think every mom need this breather once in awhile so they can perform their mommy duties better and so husbands and children don’t have to bear with a grouchy/cranky mom all the time (only during their time of the month lol).
Moms who just gave birth need this break too(postpartum syndrome). The change that having a child to take care turning your world upside down changing the way you live your life is frustrating to new moms. So a few days off/ vacation (not a year!) is highly recommended. Save some breast milk if your breastfeeding and make sure to freeze it in the freezer and store in separate containers to make sure they stay fresh.
Eat Pray Love the movie will be shown in Philippine theaters on October 6, 2010 (can’t hardly wait) and is distributed by Columbia Pictures the local office of Sony Pictures Releasing International. Visit www.sonypictures.com.ph to get the latest movie news, video clips, games and free downloads or like them on Facebook.
Watch Eat Pray Love movie trailer:
So, who wants to Eat Pray Love with me?
Win EAT PRAY LOVE tickets! Check out the Eat Pray Love tab on top of the Columbia Pictures Philippines Facebook page and tell them, where would you go if you could take a year off? Columbia Pictures favorite entries get to watch the EAT PRAY LOVE advance screening October 5 at Greenbelt 3
Stay gorgeous everyone!
1 Comment
Me…I want to “Eat Pray Love” with you hehehehe. :))