The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.Mark Twain
A volcano in Italy erupted last week, this week a volcano in Indonesia. Flood happened in Saudi Arabia, the killer earthquake and super typhoon happened. It might not be the end of the world as we know it, I believe this is Global Warming at its finest. Just like when the Ice Age happened the dinosaurs became extinct. It was because the changes of our planet Earth and the change happen again soon. This is one of the many stages the planet face.
Eventually all of us will die. Some die earlier, some die later. This is inevitable. This is the cycle of life.
Now I ask, if you will be an incidental death with all this changes ( we are all gonna die anyway). Are you ready ? Have you done what you can when you could?

Hmmmmm….it looks like I’m back at my wide awake at 3am habit.