Debunking Myths on Keto Diet + Facts About Minola Premium Coconut Cooking Oil

There has been a lot of debate about the keto diet or ketogenic diet and the use of cooking oil .  The argument goes around the belief that oil is fat and fats is not healthy especially in our bodies.

This is what Minola Premium Cooking Oil is trying to debunk.  In fact , according to Dr. Fabian Dayrit said a lot of studies like the one did by Harvard pointed that coconut oil is considered healthy food because of the MCFA Medium chain fatty acids and Lauric Adids which is found in breast milk. Lauric acids helps protect against infections.

Also Minola Premium Cococnut Cooking Oil is made of Coconut oil and coconut oil has zero transfat. And since it’s a vegetable oil it does not contain cholesterol and does not increase cholesterol levels in the body.

Dr. said there studies that shows how coconut oil also aids in weight loss and is good for those doing keto diet.

Two members of the Keto group in Facebook was also present at the event to give their testimonials.  Virna Veloso and Desa Apostol said they’ve lost a lot of weight by practicing keto diet and healthier lifestyle.

Virna Veloso lost a lot of weight since last year from 110+ kg she was down to 66 kilograms.  She also is suffering from PCOS but now she’s pregnant. Desa Apostol also lost a lot of weight with the keto diet she is following and now is more confident and able to land to her dream job.

Minola Premium Coconut Cooking Oil

Rien Kenner Cajayon of Khendries Kitchen also did a cooking demo sharing her favorite recipe using Minola Premium Coconut Cooking Oil and Coco Aminos.

The Ketogeneis group also showed guidelines on how to work on an effective Ketogenic Diet.  One important thing they all mentioned was to never starve yourselves  and hydrate. Because there is the thing they called carbOhydrate withdrawal.

Carbohydrate withdrawal happens when you start to remove carbs in your doesn’t when you are used to it. You get brain fog, headache, chills, Poor focus , irritability among things on the pic below.

Minola premium coconut oil

If you would like to know more on how to transition into a Ketogenic diet you might want to check Ketogenesis group on Facebook.


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