The Random Drug Test In Select High School

Because of the lack of guidelines and clear policies, the random drug testing being proposed for high school students are being opposed. Some think it will be a violation of human right, while some fear if one is discovered to have prohibited drug abuse/use they will be expelled from school and will loose their right to education.

I am also kinda apprehensive of this proposal because we don’t really have a good rehabilitation centers here in the country for adolescents and young adults. Our centers here are more like a prison cell where they they are treated like adult criminals and prisoners which is not conducive for rehabilitating but instead isolate and punish a young adult user.

Also, I think the government will just waste government funds with this project. Instead of targeting the students they should strengthen their guarding and authoritative powers. Run after the big time drug smugglers and be stern at arresting them, jailing them with no bail. Same goes for the drug pushers because if they are not around substance abuse will be very minimal if not none at all.

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