Useful Tips to Enjoy Another Weekend With Everything That Flies @ the 17th HotAir Balloon Festival

This will be the third time to witness the Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Festival held at Clark Field Pampangga that happens every February each year.   I must say each time I visit the volume of people who goes to enjoy the weekend of everything that flies grows from year to year. This year,  I estimate a that the crowd is 4 times bigger than last year and the number of hot air balloons, pareagliders, divers doubled.    Even the size of aircraft that were showcased got bigger as in giant aircraft  usually used by the military during rescue and relief operations like C130 planes, jet fighter planes and the like!

Here’s some of the pics I got from my 3rd and last trip to the hot air balloon fest, the 17th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Festival:
17th hotair balloon fest
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Btw. To those who wonder why this will be my last, Last because I think the number of people to visit each year will exceed the previous year and well I don’t want to go through the same inconveniences I had today! I’m glad I was with my bestfriend who was a talk machine and adventurous as me, the trip was something we charge to experience! I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the family who ket me and my best friend hitch a ride to the Main Gate of Clark Field! You are so kind! I hope you read this!


TIPS when  going to the Hot Air Balloon Fest:

  • DO. Wear closed shoes it’s very dusty out there since it’s an open airfield!
  • DO. Wear comfy and cool clothing, there is a tendency to be very hot and humid especially at day time/noontime. Bring extra clothes too.
  • DO. Bring jackets or shawl or anything to keep you warm.  It gets cooler by sunset or before the sunrise so get packed and bundle up.
  • DO. Bring umbrella and wear hats shades and sunblock.   Protect your skin from the sun!
  • DO. Bring water and snacks, there’s a lot of food stalls out there now but there’s so many people too, the line is just crazy!
  • DO. Bring personal hygiene stuff like tissue, wipes, hand sanitizer.     The portalets can be very nasty!
  • DON’T. Wear open shoes, use luxury bags and anything that you don’t want to get dusty!  It get’s really dirty out there.  Use something that you bring at the beach instead something for the outdoors and is ready for the wear and tear!
  • If you have a car good luck parking is very difficult and the rerouting and traffic gets crazy each year.
  • If you don’t have a car, get ready to hitch a ride out of the venue or be prepared for a loooooooooooooooong walk!

Have a happy Hot Air Balloon Festival trip!  Take a lot of photos!  BEST TIME TO BE THERE is before sunrise for the first take off and sunset last take off where you get to see the night glow too!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

My 2nd Hot Air Balloon Fest visit (16th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Festival )

My 1st Hot Air Balloon Festival visit (15th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Festival)


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  1. nice balloons! who would have known that Pampanga would not only be known because of its great food, great people, parol, etc but also because of all of these nice things that fly! Go Pampanga!

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