Moving On From The Epic Love Story

In my last entry about the scene in your love life you want to play differently I asked everyone their suggestions on what Christine of (Jorgendipity) should do with her so-called love life with Jorgen.   I recommend for her to either do a stalker mode on this guy she’s crushing by checking on his Facebook page when she finds it.  Or she can just move on and live a normal life and maybe find someone who she can have a real relationship with not that one-way love affair that is so weird!

Honestly, I feel sorry for Christine, because how can she tell if Jorgen is the one if she haven’t even had a serious one-on-one talk with him to even know if they compliment each other or have something in common right?

Did you know that it takes two years for someone to reveal his/her true colors?   Also, men is just courting a girl  will put their best feet forward to impress the girl they want.

A guy, especially someone who has a reputation like Jorgen I presume is trying to keep up with his image of that “perfect/dream guy” who is smart, sporty, sweet,caring, thoughtful and yes super handsome.   With the way Christine describe Jorgen he sounds like a “ladies-man” / “dream boat” type.

I just wish someone real will come to her life and finally make her move on from this so-called epic love story she created in her mind!

Sorry for being skeptic but I don’t want another innocent and sweet heart to be torn into pieces.  She deserves something better.

Dear Chrsitine,

If you can read my blog (which I hope you do).  I suggest you take a leap by stalking this Jorgen from your college days and make a real love story out of this or at least put an end to the fantasy love story you created for yourself.

I’m saying this as a mom who only wants the best for her daughter.  Stop being a fool by thinking of the what if’s, go ahead and make something happen!  Stop talking and do the walking!


Mother Earth



How about you my dear readers, what do you think should Christine do so she can start writing a much better love story  her Jorgendipity blog?

Stay gorgeous eveyrone!

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