Those who live with senior citizens or family member who just got out of hospitalization know how hard it is to feed them with the right kind of food so they get optimal nutrition for their health. Most senior citizens are kinda stubborn with their food intake, either ignoring what’s good for them because it is new to them or sticking to a diet they are used to even if it is bad to them. While recovering family members oftentimes lack the appetite to eat.
A new health economics study conducted among more than 1 million adult inpatients cases found in 2000-2010 Premier Research Database maintained by the Premiere Healthcare Alliance (representing 44 million hospital episodes at 460 sites across the United States) and published in American Journal of Managed Care released February 2013, provides insights into the economic benefits of prescribing oral nutritional supplements (ONS) to adult patients in the hospital setting.
The study recorded a decrease in length of stay in the hospital, decrease in readmission rates, reduced depressive symptoms and improved lean body mass recovery! This is because the problem of malnutrition of people who are admitted in hospitals (with an approximate of 1 out of 3 patients) is addressed by giving the patients oral nutrition supplements (ONS) like Ensure.

Ensure has three types, Ensure Fiber, Ensure Gold, and Ensure Acti-M. For senior citizens and recovering patients Ensure Gold and Ensure Fiber works best. They can take it as it is or mix it on their drinks and food. For adult like us we can take Ensure Acti-M which also helps with our personal undernutrition problems.

Undernutrition occurs when nutrient intake doesn’t meet nutrient needs. It can have a direct impact on the body’s ability to heal ad increase chances of hospital readmission, increase in length of hospital stay and hospital costs. Additionally, losing lean body mass from an illness can delay functional rehabilitation.