WIWTD #36: Girl Meets Boy

She had the swagger of a girl. She blushed like a boy. She had a girl’s toughness. She has a boy’s gentleness. She was as meaty as a girl. She was as graceful as a boy. She was as brave and handsome and rough as a girl. She was as pretty and delicate and dainty […]

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OOTD: In Every Nook and Cranny

Each time I visit a new place, I try my best to see almost everything there is to see.  This is mostly true in a place where there’s beautiful architecture, interior decoration, furnishing , structure, fixtures, painting, and what not, I can’t stop but become trigger happy and take a shot of  everything I could. […]

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OOTD: Singles Are Not Loveless

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, biting everyone of the love bug. Singles are being reminded that they don’t have that significant other to do special things for them or for them to do something special with or to. Ergo being labeled as loveless. Isn’t that a cruel description of single people? Singles are […]

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