My father died of emphysema almost 5 years ago. His lungs was filled with nicotine, one collapsed, the other was leaking with nicotine. He had been smoking since I don’t know when, but for sure he smoked even before I was a part of his imagination. From the coroners point of view, my father had been smoking since his teenage years.

I found this website I’ve been looking at and they are focusing on how to quit smoking now for those who are finding it hard to stop the vice. Actually according to them there are millions of people who are trying to quit but just can’t. In fact according to their research there is only 10% of a million who successfully stop smoking and are now living a smoke free life.
Stop smoking or if you are not smoking don’t start now.
Stay gorgeous everyone!
1 Comment
To quit smoking is not an easy thing to do, of course addiction is not an easy enemy, we will somehow feel that we cannot survive without it, we may think we need it for our daily activities which in reality, it is not. Smoking is bad for us, it doesn’t gives us any good benefit, worst case it is the main reason why we will suffer to certain diseases like lung cancer. I agree, quit smoking, if we are not into smoking, better not to try and really avoid it.