After two harrowing years of not being able to hold each other because of Covid-19 . Jowa and I finally reunited. In case you didn’t know, jowa had to be in South Korea for work and left just right after the first lockdown in 2020 was sorta lifted. As soon as visiting the Philippines was […]
Protected: My 5 Before 50 !
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Congratulations for Surviving 2nd Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic Anniversary
I was going to say Happy 2nd Year Covid-19 Pandemic Anniversary but I know happy is not the word to describe these past two crazy years living with a dreadful virus in our midst. Congratulations are the more appropriate one. Congratulations because you and I survived it. If you are reading this now you survived, […]
Dear Self, This Too Shall Pass + 3 Beings I’m Thankful for In My Prayers
Dear Self, How have you been? It’s been more than a year that you’ve turned into a hermit and look at you surviving. All your anti-social skills have been put forward and now it’s ok to distance yourself, emotionally, physically, and financially from everyone who will bother. I know that sounds cold and distant but […]
Need Motivation? Here’s 1 Great Tip : You Don’t Have To Do Anything !
If you are reading this, you don’t have to do anything. I just want to share my mental health check at the moment and some motivational, inspirational suggestions for myself, not really for you. What you are about to read, if you decide to continue, is something I am telling myself. You know having my […]
My 2021 plan is to isolate, survive and thrive – A not so Happy Bday post
What’s your plan? I don’t have a plan. My only plan is to live at the moment and survive this pandemic without getting ill. Die another day, live day by day. I have learned to just live day by day so I don’t get disappointed and sulk into desperation and despair. Expectations is our biggest […]
2 out of 4 in my 4 Before 40 Happened and it’s a Wonderful Feeling !
2 out of 4 in my 4 Before 40 Happened and it’s a Wonderful Feeling !
2 Times My memory is failing me ! I’m Scared !
OMG! My memory is failing me big time! How can I forget moments like this?