I’m A Star In My Own Universe

When we were in kindergarten we loved to get our teachers attention so she can give us that “star” everybody wants to have.    During that time getting a star means your the best among the bunch.  Its a mark of your excellence and your achievement.

Now that were older and no longer have that “teacher” to mark us with a star, we now have to make our own star shine so that everyone will notice how amazing we are.

Having said that,  I can say that I  star in my own universe.

I star at making the people around me believe that I am a star, a rock star, whose been blessed with so many beautiful things and enjoy wonderful things for free.

I star at doing what I want and not care about what the whole world thinks .


My above statement just points out why I had difficulty in pointing out a single thing that I am good at or things that I am the shining star.   You see I consider myself a Jane-of-all-trades being that I can do so many things, juggling my time from one thing to another,  and I do them well especially when I focus my mind and energy to it.

Having said that, instead of listing one thing I am a star,  I will list a couple of them:

  1. I  star at eating. Eating like there’s no tomorrow.  Eating like a carpenter and not gain a pound, ergo the blog Matakaw Ako! but it is not that updated with my food adventures because I eat my food first before I remember to take their picture. 183393_10150143438459882_546884881_7858193_7062888_n
  2. I  star at taking self-portraits. Really good self-portraits! I can teach you my technique!                 168316_10150138353731528_523871527_8072962_1236381_n230366_10150238993641528_523871527_8798964_2641015_n
  3. I star at blogging events.   Events I attended in 1001 unique ways and make my readers feel they attended the event. (insert photo)
  4. According to my friends and very avid readers, I star at product reviews especially beauty treatments and beauty products because I genuinely state my real experience about it and not just hearsays or press releases .
  5. I star at networking and finding the right people I need to do the job or give me what I need.
  6. I star  at understanding my daughter’s gibberish!
  7. I star  at  grokking online and offline                                         buttonpusher100_2436

How about you, do you think you are a star at?

Please tell us about the things that make you a shining star  and let us all Shine on Facebook!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

Here's something else you can read


  1. @ Van I will teach you when I see you, its very very easy promise and no you don’t need to use the timer on your camera too 🙂

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