Lady Gaga Fame First Black Perfume Ever

Little Monsters, here’s a preview of our Mother Monsters first signature perfume I’ve been raving about since last year (remember the alleged perfume that will smell like blood and semen? ) that is set to launch this September 2012! Fame! The very first black eau de parfum !


Lady Gaga Fame is very unique in form and everything else once airborne transforming into a clear liquid and promising to deliver “a true metamorphosis when worn on skin.” You may be less than surprised to hear that there is none of that typical top, middle and base note stuff with this one; instead it relies upon on “push-pull technology,” whereby the ingredients interact harmoniously together and are free from any hierarchy.

I wonder if all the black liquid stuff I’ve been seeing in the teaser video for Fame is the actual perfume they used as props
According to the raves I’ve been hearing about the perfume it’s so much like Lady Gaga in terms of her music “has a sweet center and a dark shell and a lot of her music has refrains that have a rough passage that go toward a sweet-spot melody in the middle.”\

For a perfume addict like me, I would love to get my hands on those perfume bottles alone!

I also can’t wait to see how a black fluid perfume will smell and feel like. Doesn’t that sound intriguing?

Stay gorgeous everyone!

Here's something else you can read


  1. wow Francoise great research done there! thanks for the info!

  2. It seems that fame is not really the first black perfume! I’ve found this article that says taht the Belgian artist Peter de Cupere already made a black perfume in 1999! Check it out!!!

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