What Are the Common Triggers for Domestic Violence and Abuse?

Domestic Violence Photo by Susana Vera/Reuters

There is a report that during the pandemic, domestic violence has doubled and more people are getting more sank into this kind of abusive lifestyle.

There’s no excuse for domestic violence and abuse. These issues are sometimes referred to collectively as intimate partner violence, and they go on to ruin relationships and cause trauma in the lives of women and men across the country. Read on to find out about some of the most common triggers for domestic violence and abuse.

Alcohol and Drugs

By far the most common triggers for intimate partner violence are alcohol and drug abuse. Some experts suggest that the prevalence of alcohol misuse during episodes of violence could be as high as 80 percent. While alcohol use is certainly not an excuse for committing acts of violence against one’s partner, it can help to know that substance abuse, more generally, can be a trigger for intimate partner abuse.

Unfortunately, alcohol and drug use can also lead to false accusations and convictions. While rare, false accusations of domestic violence can have dramatic negative consequences for the accused. Anyone who is in this position should get in touch with a sex crimes attorney.

Accusations of Infidelity

According to researchers who have studied conversations between convicted domestic abusers and their partners, accusations of infidelity are some of the most common precursors to intimate partner violence. In many, though not all, cases, alcohol use was also involved. The accusations of infidelity didn’t always occur immediately before the first episode of violence and sometimes represent ongoing relationship stressors.

Most abusers won’t enact violence against their partners even when they are intoxicated unless they feel threatened. Suspicions of infidelity can provoke potential domestic abusers even if their partners have done nothing to warrant those suspicions. Anyone who is facing unexpected accusations of infidelity may want to take that connection to the heart.

Untreated Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues such as mood and personality disorders can also contribute to a person’s likelihood of abusing a partner. It’s worth noting here, however, that most people struggling with mental illness are not violent. When incidents of domestic violence are perpetrated by mentally ill people, there are typically other issues, such as comorbid substance use disorders and environmental factors, that also come into play.

It should come as no surprise that victims of domestic abuse tend to suffer from mental health problems such as depression and anxiety as well. What some consider surprising is that these symptoms are usually present before the first violent incident occurs. No matter which side of the domestic violence equation they are on, it’s always best for people struggling with mental health disorders to seek professional treatment right away.

Searching for Red Flags

Counselors and advocates who work with victims of domestic abuse are always looking for ways to assess how much danger a patient or client may be in. Keeping an eye out for red flags like new or worsening substance abuse, especially in conjunction with serious mental health issues, can help to keep people safe. Healthcare providers can also play a positive role in putting a stop to domestic violence by screening for alcohol and drug abuse in addition to mental health disorders at routine appointments.

Abuse Ruins Lives

No one should have to suffer through an abusive relationship, but people commit acts of domestic violence every day. It’s also important to note that some partners use false allegations of abuse as a means of gaining power, which is, in itself, abusive. Whether someone is facing physical violence or the threat of false accusations, it’s important to seek help and get out of the relationship quickly before things escalate further.


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