Whats the word to describe you? Can you think of one? Are you like Liz Gilbert who is still finding a word to describe herself?
At one point in time everyone feels lost. Like everything turned out to be routinary or something you are forced to like because it was where the events in your life had brought you. When we have this feeling most of us want to break loose and find ourselves and get our balance back.
Eat Pray Love the movie was an adaptation of a book of the same title. Its a very inspiring film that captured the most important parts in the book everyone loved. Eat in Italy, Pray in India and Love in Bali to nourish my mind, body, and soul enriching my entire nutrisystem.
However, it would be a lot better if the actress was same age as what the book calls for as Liz Gilbert was in her early 3o’s in the movie while Julia Roberts is already almost 50? Don’t get me wrong I love Julia Roberts. But I see more of Drew Barrymore in the movie fits her age and her vigor. Don’t expect too much scenery only a few were captured that was necessary for the film and they were enough as the movie is more of the journey of a person to oneself .
Overall the movie was fun, funny and reflective made me laugh especially during the scenes with Javier and a surprising exposure in Bali. It made me crave for more Italian food and wish I can go to Bali and meet my champion.
There’s not much to say because I might spill all the beans and leave you mad at me for doing so. Unless you are a fan of the movie then I’m sure you know what’s coming, you’ll have to evaluate on the execution.
Anyway, I wish I can do what Liz did and have an entire year for myself and practice il bel far niente – Italian for the beauty of doing nothing as referenced in the movie. There’s another wonderful Italian expression I learned in the movie: l’arte d’arrangiarsi – the art of making something out of nothing. And I’ll try hard to smile with my liver too!
A quote from the book:
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you and then they leave. And thank God for it.
Opening in October 6, 2010 across the Philippines, Eat Pray Love is distributed by Columbia Pictures.
Eat Pray Love also stars James Franco (Spider-Man trilogy), Richard Jenkins (TV‘s Six Feet Under), Viola Davis (Nights in Rodanthe), Billy Crudup (Mission: Impossible III) and Oscar-winner Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men).
Stay gorgeous everyone!
1 Comment
Can’t wait for the showing of the movie here! I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about this film!