Skincare: It’s Not the Product it’s the System

Your skin is unique. There are a number of ways to take care of skin, and not every product is effective for everyone. Some people find that a solution of salicylic acid is the be-all, end-all for their skin care needs, preventing acne and other blemishes from forming, and others find that it disrupts their pH balance and dries them out too much to be useful.

One of the more effective things to look into is not a skincare product, but a skincare system. A system is not a single product intended to cure all skin-related ailments at one time. Rather, a skin system is a set of products designed to interact in a useful fashion. Systems are designed to neatly complement one another in function to preserve the health of the skin they are treating. Rather than relying on a single product to resolve all skin damage, it might employ one to prepare the skin with nutrients, and another to activate those nutrients subsequently; this enables the skin to heal itself, which allows the skincare system to work for far more individuals effectively.

Jenu offers a skincare system that follows this philosophy. It first deploys microspheres of essential nutrients and active elements into the skin, and then activates them with ultrasound waves. This combination of factors allows for a much more pronounced effect on the health of the skin that a much greater number of individuals can benefit from, making it a much better investment for individuals concerned about their skin.

How about you what is your major skincare concern?

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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